Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2007


Synesthesia is a very fascinating phenomenon. I can remember, when I was in elementary school I associated several colors with some of my class mates’ names. For example, I associated the name Kai with purple combined with green stripes, Christian with red, etc. Strangely, I did not associate all of them with a color.

I don’t know why but today I’m not able to combine colors with names anymore. So if I would hear, for instance, the name Kai I would not think of purple anymore, but just remember what I felt once hearing this name (as one example).

I’d like to have the ability to associate words or music with colors. It must be very helpful to see sounds or to hear colors in order to create poems or fiction.

In the following, I tried to pick out some lines from one of my poems and turned them into Synesthesia.

* (and escaped from the bitter paradise) where red roses are shrilly screaming…

* (the nights on the lake) when the dark water softly embraced us...

* the cruel pen who tears red wounds in the soft, white paper...

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